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How Healy supports my mood ☀️⛅️🌨☔️

One of my favorite ways to use Healy, is to help me balance how I’m feeling. Yes, I journal, and do other things, too. But this is at the top of my list not only because it’s effective, but also because it’s something I can do while I’m on the go.

These are my preferred programs for pulling myself together on those “cloudy” days:

  • Healy: There are a bunch of mental well-being programs within the “Mental Well-Being,” “Job,” and “Sleep” program groups. My favorites are Positive Thoughts, Inner Unity (helps with anxiety), and Contentment Systematic.
  • MagHealy: Vagus Harmony (harmonizes your vagus nerve and reduces stress)
  • Healy: Relax (helps to take the edge off)
  • Healy: Release (helps to let go of nagging thoughts and feelings)
  • MagHealy: Relax atmosphere program
  • MagHealy: Purification Negative Info & Heart Opening water programs
  • healy with leaves in background
    iphones showing the Healy app program options

    To read more about the different program groups and what they do, click here.